A collection of articles written about Iran by Holly Dagres
Why Secretary Rubio Should Provide Grant Waivers for Urgent Human Rights Work on Iran, The Washington Institute
Iran and Saudi Arabia Deepen Defense and Bilateral Ties, OE Watch Monthly
Iranian Navy Closely Monitors U.S. Naval Operations in the Persian Gulf, OE Watch Monthly
Iran Concerned About Electronic Devices After Hezbollah Communications Attacks, OE Watch Monthly
Iran Conducts First-Ever Military Exercise With Oman, OE Watch Monthly
Iran Believes Israel is Too Weak to Take on Hezbollah, OE Watch Monthly
Iran Is Building a Wall Along Its Afghan Border, OE Watch Monthly
Iranian Military Equipment Integrating Artificial Intelligence, OE Watch Monthly
Belarus and Iran Broaden Military Cooperation, OE Watch Monthly
The future of US strategy toward Iran, Atlantic Council (Working group member)
Iran Asserts the Strength of Its Air Defense Capabilities, OE Watch Monthly
Bahrain May Renew Ties With Iran Following Saudi Arabia’s Lead, OE Watch Monthly
Iranian Commander Threatens Pursuit of Nuclear Weapon, OE Watch Monthly
Iran’s Army Chief Claims It Is Accelerating Israel’s Destruction, OE Watch Monthly
Iranian Warships Conduct Joint Naval Drills With China and Russia, OE Watch Monthly
Iranian Senior Advisor Believes Resistance Axis Already Defeated Israel, OE Watch Monthly
Iran’s Gen Z Is Still Waiting for the Revolution, The New York Times
Don’t be fooled by the ‘reformist.’ Iran’s presidential election won’t bring fundamental change, Atlantic Council
Iranian Navy Conducts Ballistic Missile Launches From Warship, OE Watch Monthly
Iran Vaunts Benefits Of State-Owned Construction Company, OE Watch Monthly
Iran Warns United States Against Attacking Ships In Red Sea, OE Watch Monthly
Interview with Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi, Atlantic Council
Iran will never go back to the way it was, Atlantic Council
Could the IRGC pull a Wagner Group move in Iran? That’s what some Iranians are hoping for, Atlantic Council
A Rapper’s Detention Shows Iran’s Crackdown Is Failing, The New York Times
The State Department is fumbling its approach to Iran. It’s time for an overhaul, Atlantic Council
Meet Iran’s Gen Z: the Driving Force Behind the Protests, Foreign Policy
Britain is mourning Queen Elizabeth II. But for many Iranians, she was the ‘Queen of Coups,’ Atlantic Council
Sensemaker: Shadow war, Tortoise Media
Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati may outlive all of us—even the Angel of Death, Atlantic Council
The Biden administration needs to do more on Iran. Here’s why, Atlantic Council
Iranians on #SocialMedia (report), Atlantic Council
Iranians give ‘Squid Game’ the green light, Atlantic Council
Iran’s next president will ride a wave of voter apathy into power, Guardian
An Iranian cleric, rights activist, and hacker entered a room—on Clubhouse, Atlantic Council
This Iranian pop song is “more dangerous than polio,” Atlantic Council
Prince of Persia (The story of Sasha Sobhani), Foreign Policy
How an anti-elite TV drama became Iran’s lockdown hit, Guardian
The Qasem Soleimani assassination feels like ages ago—but Iran hasn’t forgotten, Atlantic Council
Iran: the ironic republic, Prospect Magazine
Iran nuclear scientist assassination timing raises questions over US involvement, Telegraph
What the assassination of a nuclear scientist means for Iran’s nuclear showdown with the US and Israel, Atlantic Council
The US election was all Iranians talked about for the past week, Atlantic Council
The JCPOA: A bittersweet anniversary for Iran, the US and the wider world, Atlantic Council
How Iranian hackers tried to phish me, Washington Post
Iran-US relationship still precarious with no clear US strategy in sight, PRI
Landmine survivors feel the pinch of sanctions, Atlantic Council
The Trump administration’s Iran policy shows meager results, Atlantic Council
Nowruz Floods in Iran Anger Many but Reasons Are Complex, Atlantic Council
Why It’s Good for the West That Iran’s Foreign Minister Isn’t Resigning, Time
As Iranian youth evolve, so do their means of communicating, Atlantic Council
How Iran will cope with US sanctions (issue brief), Atlantic Council
Impeaching the Foreign Minister Won’t Solve Iran’s Woes, Atlantic Council
Second Wave of Resumed Iran Sanctions Targets Banks, Petroleum, Shipping, Atlantic Council
Iranian Crackdown on Corruption May Only Be Superficial, Atlantic Council
The Books the Trump Administration Should Read to Understand Iran, Atlantic Council
Why on Earth Is Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Tweeting?, Atlantic Council
Discrimination and Past Due Payments: Some of the Problems Iranian Workers Face, Atlantic Council
Rage against the Elite: How Iran’s Nouveau Riche Profits from Sanctions, Atlantic Council
Tehran’s Foreign Policy Originates from the Iran-Iraq War, Atlantic Council
First Wave of Resumed Iran Sanctions Targets Automobiles, Currency, Gold, Atlantic Council
Trump’s Twitter War Unites Iranian Factions and Bolsters Rouhani, Atlantic Council
Expect Russia to Do Little on Iranian Presence in Syria, Atlantic Council
Why Iran’s Water Problems Aren’t Going Away Anytime Soon, Atlantic Council
Hardliners Again Exploit Unrest, Atlantic Council
Why Internet Freedom in Iran is More Important Than Ever, Atlantic Council
Iranian Hardliners’ ‘I-Told-You-So’ Moment, Atlantic Council
Iranians hesitant to leave Telegram for domestic apps, Atlantic Council
If Trump Can Meet with North Korea’s Leader, Why Not Iran’s?, Atlantic Council
How an Oklahoman is scoring goals in Iran, Al-Monitor
Iran’s History of Suspicious Deaths in Prison, Atlantic Council
How #IranProtests Compare with the 2009 Green Movement, Atlantic Council
Questioning Iran’s Regional Ambitions, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Iran wakes up to HIV/AIDS epidemic among expectant mothers, Al-Monitor
Why Iran's hardliners threatening Europe?, TIMEP Europe
Inside the world of social media advertising in Iran, Al-Monitor
Banning Grandmas Only Hurts American Families, Huffington Post
Iranians rail against Apple, Google over pulling of apps, Al-Monitor
'Game of Thrones' fever grips Iran, Al-Monitor
This young Iranian rapper may have cost Raisi the presidency, Al-Monitor
Why Iran's Upcoming Presidential Election is Hard to Predict, Atlantic Council
Three Iranian couples recount heartbreak of Trump's travel ban, Al-Monitor
The Shark from Rafsanjan, Cairo Review
Don’t Bust: Iranian-Americans Need To Have A Voice In The Political Process, Huffington Post
Why is the Iranian government opening the world's biggest bookstore?, Aeon
Revolutionary computer game faces crackdown in Iran, Al-Monitor
How Leonardo DiCaprio became unlikely champion in Iran, Al-Monitor
How one tragedy is bringing Afghans, Iranians together, Al-Monitor
You won't believe what this Saudi blogger has to say about Iran, Al-Monitor
Iranian American self-hatred, Souciant
Iran sees 'battle of the brands' as US franchises look to enter, Al-Monitor
The Iran Deal: Power to the People, Huffington Post
What Americans have been missing out on in Iran, Global Post
Zarif comeback spawns hashtag, Al-Monitor
Book Review: "Jewels of Allah: The Untold Story of Women in Iran", Muftah
Book Review: "City of Lies: Love, Sex, Death, and the Search for Truth in Tehran", Cairo Review
Khamenei’s fans take to Instagram, Al-Monitor
Rouhani Takes Hardliners Head-On to Bring Iran Out from the Cold, Huffington Post
Egypt's Quiet Existential Crisis: Overpopulation, World Bank blog
Dear Washington: Kick Out This Iranian Militant Cult, Huffington Post
Everything You Need To Know For The Iran Talks, BuzzFeed
Rich kids of Tehran, Al-Monitor
Iran as progressive, Souicant
The American Flag Is Now a Fashion Trend in the Country You’d Least Expect, Mic
Senate should stop sabotaging peace with Iran, Al Jazeera
Iran’s thriving rap culture, Al-Monitor
Iran’s ‘Cable Guys’ Provide Service for Contraband Satellites, Al-Monitor
An American in Tehran, Cairo Review
Iran and the white man’s burden, Al Jazeera
Iran in June: A Fever Pitch of Football and Politics, Muftah
The Erotic Republic of Iran? Not Really, Huffington Post
Iran Induces Internet ‘Coma’ Ahead of Elections, Al-Monitor
The Shiite Scare in Egypt, Al-Monitor
Nostalgia and Naivete – Watching Argo as an Iranian-American, Muftah
When they were friends: Egypt and Iran, Ahram Online
Do the People of the MENA Prefer Dictators Over Democracy?, Huffington Post
Feelings of Marginalization by the PBS Documentary, ‘Iranian-Americans’, Huffington Post
Instagramming Iran, Foreign Policy
Memories of Tehran International School, Your Middle East
Diaspora Blues: Why the Iranian Diaspora in the United States Disappoints Me, Huffington Post
Another Embassy Closed in Iran: What Does It Mean for Iranians?, Huffington Post
Mossadegh’s legacy: a sleeping lion called nationalism, Your Middle East
InstaIran: How Instagram Managed to Seep Through the Cracks in Iran, Huffington Post
Three Year’s In, Is Iran’s Green Revolution Still Going?, Voice of America
Iran Looms Large In Syria Conflict, Voice of America